
“Unique Insect: The Maltese Honey Bee” Video Premiering on World Bee Day

The Foundation is excited to share that its educational video titled “Unique Insect: The Maltese Honey Bee,” within the context of the National Insect Initiative, will premiere next Monday 20th of May 2024, on the occasion of World Bee Day! The video delves into various aspects of the Maltese Honey Bee, including its unique biodiversity, its historic connection to the Maltese islands, the challenges it faces, and its future prospects.

To be notified when the video is released, click on the link below! In the meantime, why not get to know the production crew and the featured protagonists through our past posts? If you want to see more, enjoy the short video teasers we’ve provided!

This project has been funded by the Small Initiatives Support Scheme (SIS) managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS) supported by the Ministry for Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector (MIV). This project/publication reflects the views only of the author, and the MCVS cannot be held responsible for the content or any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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