

Megachile sculpturalis hi Naħla Aljena u Invażiva Fl-Ewropa

L-introduzzjoni aċċidentali jew intenzjonali ta’ speċi jew sottospeċi aljeni fil-gżejjer tagħna hija sfida ewlenija għas-settur agrikolu, inkluż dak apikulturali. Dan il-proċess jiffaċilità bil-kbir l-introduzzjoni ta’ mard u pesti, nieħdu l-Varroa bħala eżempju ċar mill-passat. Preżentament viċin ta’ xtutna hemm speċi aljeni ta’ theddida diretta għan-Naħla tal-Għasel Maltija bħal iż-Żunżan Asjatiku, Vespa velutina (speċi differenti miż-Żunżan Bagħal, Vespa orientalis) u l-Ħanfusa Żgħira tal-Ġabsala, Aethina tumida, Small Hive Beetle.

Theddida għal bijodiversità u apikultura lokali ġejja wkoll min-naħal aljen invażiv. Ma’ din il-lista, inżidu naħla solitarja bl-isem xjentifiku ta’ Megachile sculpturalis. Din l-ispeċi ta’ naħla fi żmien qasir stabbilit ruħha f’diversi pajjiżi fl-Ewropa, inkluż fil-pajjiż ġar tagħna l-Italja.

L-introduzzjoni ta’ din l-ispeċi u/jew oħrajn iħarbtu il-qafas ta’ dakkara lokali, fosthom tan-Naħla tal-Għasel Maltija. Dan għaliex apparti l-possibilità ta’ mard ġdid, in-naħal endemiku u indiġenu lokali ser isoffri minn kompetizzjoni diretta għar-riżorsi tal-fjuri li diġa hu limitat.

Jeħtieġ li naprezzaw u nħarsu l-bijodiversità unika lokali. In-nuqqas ta’ dan, jissarraf f’konsegwenzi ekoloġici u soċio-ekonomiċi. B’mod dirett, iwassal għal tnaqqis fil-produzzjoni tal-għasel għan-naħħala Maltin, u tidgħajjef s-sostenibilità tal-apikultura u d-dakra lokali.

Tista’ taqra aktar dwar din in-naħla aljena invażiva hawn:



The accidental or intentional introduction of alien species or subspecies in our islands is a major challenge for agriculture, including the beekeeping sector. This process greatly facilitates the introduction of diseases and pests, Varroa being a clear example from the past. Presently close to our shores, alien species of direct threat to the Maltese Honey Bee are the Asian Hornet, Vespa velutina (a different species from the Oriental Hornet, Vespa orientalis), and the Small Hive Beetle, Aethina tumida.

A threat to biodiversity and local beekeeping also comes from invasive alien bees. To this list, we add a solitary bee with the scientific name of Megachile sculpturalis. This species of bee in a short time established itself in several countries in Europe, including in neighbouring Italy.

The introduction of this species and/or others disrupts the local pollinator network, including the Maltese Honey Bee. Apart from the possibility of new diseases, the local bees will suffer from direct competition for the flower resources which are already limited.

We need to appreciate and protect the unique local biodiversity. The lack of this translates into ecological and socio-economic consequences. This directly leads to a decrease in honey production for Maltese beekeepers, and weakens greatly the sustainability of beekeeping and local pollination.

You can read more about this invasive alien bee here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969722013389?fbclid=IwAR0tDjPnxpQbLtapG54DB0GQcJUWPJC3q8xJHAvultongQSpKNmTUqk-dUI



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